Sunday, September 25, 2016

J is for Japanese Macaque

J is for Japanese Macaque

The Japanese Macaque is a monkey with light or brown fur, used to blend in with its surroundings. And like other monkey and ape creatures, they have thumbs! The Japanese is somewhat like a chipmunk, because they have big cheeks in which to store food.

The Japanese Macaque is an omnivore, which means they eat plants and animals. The plants they eat are berries, seeds, and leaves, which is what they mainly eat. Sometimes, the Japanese Macaque will eat smaller animals for survival.

The Japanese Macaque live in troops of 20 to 30 others. The troop is lead by one lead male, who decides where they should go, if its safe, and what they do. They all stay with their troop, helping to take care of themselves and the younger ones.

The Japanese Macaque is a smart creature with an awesome family, and I think they are really adapted to their lives in Japan.

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