Sunday, December 1, 2013

H is for Hercules Beetle

The Hercules Beetle lives in Central and South America. They are found in the tropical rain forests.

The Hercules Beetle is one of the biggest beetles in the world.  Some males can reach up to 17cm in length, and can carry 850 times their own weight.  It's colors are black, brown, blue, green, white, and yellow. 

The Hercules Beetle Has at least 100 babies at a time.

This beetle is an herbivore which means it eats plants. Their main food is decaying wood, fruit, and leaves. Their favorite food is decaying wood. These beetles have some predators  like Bats, Birds, and Rats.

The insect's scientific name is Dynastes Hercules. It's lifespan is 3-5 months.

I personally would not want to touch one of these bugs!



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